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  • Brands
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Sales Excellence - Systematically and holistically to the goal!

Sales Excellence - Systematically and holistically to the goal!The correct application of the Sales Excellence content promises a sustainable increase in professionalism in sales with a holistic effect... read more

Brand management - New things really new? Or old thought new?

Brand management - New things really new? Or old thought new?A call for reflection and prudence with a tribute to our thought leaders. Not everything that constantly comes up on... read more

Objectives of brand strategies

Objectives of brand strategiesSince I reject a derivation of the goals of brand strategies according to the brand functions due to the more... read more

Branding strategies

Branding strategiesOverview of brand strategies. With the contribution "Significance of brands" it was stated that companies have to refine and deepen... read more

Importance of brands

Importance of brandsCompanies are subject to constant change. If we look at the past decades, markets have become narrower, i.e. fragmented... read more